Fiat on Ramp
Savings account?
Regular saver rewards
Noob access to crypto
Crypto Basket (like an ETF)
50% BTC
25% ETH
10% (FTX Coins)
15% Mixed Exposure
Farming as a Service (FaaS) - Medium Risk
Variable APR 30%-70%
Mix of tools used
Medium Risk - Stable farming + Select Token Yield Farming
Boting as a Service (BaaS)
Variable APR 30%-120%
Mix of tools used
High Risk - FTX trading on variable time frames
Offered as Vaults with limited access ($ value perhaps)
Ownership and value to Bot can be transferred through NFTs to allow liquidity and transfer of ownership more quickly. NFTs need to be burned at specific periods (contract rounds) to allow funds to be removed associated to the NFTs placed in the burn contracts for that round (week / month / quarter)
Instant sales could be offered via the bullstore if there is appetite or through BullGlobal purchasing the NFT at a % discount to value - this would allow users to realise value near instantly (allowing them to stay liquid) whislt also allowing BullGLobal to acquire appreciating assets
Last updated